May 2002 @ the Pig Yard... |
May has been a disappointing month in terms of the weather. The opportunities for flying our balloon have been minimal although Steve did fly commercially on 4th May, at other times it has been either wet or too windy. |
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We have managed to spend more time on the vegetable plot as we neglected it last year, see May 2001. Jane has planted some onions and replanted the strawberries but we may just keep the rest weed free and tidy until next season. Digging and weeding this area by hand has proven to be a labour of love but we are slowly getting there. |
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After the spoof wedding ceremony at Hopton Hall, see Wedding Page, in January Kate and Martin legalised their relationship in Cypress. As we couldn't be there a wedding reception was held at Sue & Graham's and thankfully the weather although not warm was good enough for a barbecue. |
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This is an area of the country we had not stayed in before. Steve had spent a week at scout camp close to 40 years ago just outside Eastbourne but that was our only link. Old Hastings Town was very good although we did feel out of place because we were not carrying a bag of chips or a pot of cockles. Finding decent tea rooms proved impossible and we finished up with mugs of tea and a sandwich in a sea front burger bar of dubious quality. |