April 09 -
This month was busier than usual because we had the Easter break at the
beginning so have a four day weekend allows us to get out and about whether
it is in the garden or out on our bikes. Not only did we have extra time we
also had some very good weather. The latter part of the month will be
remembered for the outbreak of Swine Flu in Mexico City and the ensuing
scare about a pandemic - only time will tell whether it is scaremongering or
a reality.
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We managed to get some time in on the vegetable plot and it is really
showing signs of the efforts made. Jane has her greenhouse full of
seedlings coming along and despite being extremely busy at work this
month she has remembered to keep them watered. Steve has been putting
in time digging up some of the vegetable plot that hadn't been dug for
the past year so it was heavy going. Our soil isn't the best and when
dug tends to form large dried lumps rather than a fine tilth so it takes
quite a bit of work. |
Many years ago we started to lay bricks around the borders and our good
friend Nick helped to finish them off but over the years they have been
frosted and damaged so we decided to have a new kerb laid which is an
interesting technique - a machine digs a narrow trench and then is
filled with concrete and shaped by a machine to give a mower friendly
shape. It should be maintenance free and we will wait to see how it
survives the usual garden knocks or weather it cracks during the
freeze/thaw effect of the British winters. Prior to this being done
Jane was determined to make sure the borders were in a fit state so she
completely weeded the area, replanted the smaller plants and dug out
some of the larger plants that had overgrown their location. There is
now space for some new plants. |
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Jane is the avid cyclist and will often cycle to the next village to
visit the shop or just to get some exercise. There are occasions when
Steve will join her but only because during the week he is very much
desk bound. Our bikes are both Claude Butlers with aluminium frames so
relatively light and Steve is much happier to travel further a field now
he has panniers so he can keep his raincoat and "stuff" rather than just
have it tied to the cycle rack. This month we've managed to get out
quite a few times together with journeys of between 10 and 15 miles. |
On one of our cycles we decided to sneak through the barriers stopping
cars getting onto the unfinished road which runs from close to Sixfields
on the western side of Northampton to the A45 close to Kislingbury. The
road will be called Upton Valley Way North when it's finished. We had
great fun cycling the road with no traffic on it but it won't look like
this in a few months when it is opened.
Click here for
a map of the area... |
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On our journey from home over to Dave & Lucie's flat we've found a route
that takes us across some paths and part of the country park at Upton.
As you can see when it has been raining there are some places where
small streams flow across the paths. For Jane to get this shot she
asked Steve to cycle back and forth several times. Steve is not the most
patient person and although it was obviously fun the first few times
through, it began to pale on the fourth or fifth time. |
Jane had decided to take us on a visit to
Hazelborough woods
just outside Silverstone the last weekend of the month to see the
bluebells. she'd already been during the week to make sure they were out
so she was knew what it was going to be like but Steve was knocked out
by it. It was a beautiful spring morning with the last of the showers
passing through before nine o'clock so there was a freshness in the air
and the light kept changing as the fluffy nimbus clouds scudded across
the sky. One minute the bluebells would be in patches of sunlight and
within moments the cloud cover would change the whole scene.
Surprisingly the images in full sunlight were less colourful than those
when there was full cloud cover. |
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Nature is full of aberrations - hence evolution. These white "bluebells"
in the midst of the blue stand head and shoulders above the rest,
however if they were seen in isolation they probably wouldn't warrant a
second glance. Of course the camera struggles to take all of this in
whereas the eye captures it instantly and just runs on into the
distance. After a wonderful walk we stopped off at Bell Plantation in
Towcester for a cup of tea. We cannot go anywhere without visiting a tea
shop. |
Another pleasant afternoon in the garden and as always Jane is busy.
Here she is trimming the
Virginia Creeper away from the guttering otherwise it just grows all
over it and then starts covering the roof as well; it has even been know
to get into the roof. She took the secateurs to the clematis at the
front of the house and the wisteria which was just coming into flower.
This was another busy afternoon pruning, cutting and clearing to make
way for new growth in the spring and summer. Like all good gardening
afternoons we finished with a bonfire - the wind was in the right
direction and the neighbours didn't have any washing out. |
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It's amazing how much difference four weeks makes. By the end of the
month all the plots have been dug and prepared. Jane has been busy
planting out seeds and the broad beans on the left of the picture are
quite a size already. Of course the trick is to keep on top of it now
and make sure it doesn't get out of hand; always much more difficult
when during the week we are both working long hours. |
We always know that summer is on the way when the first
swallows fly in. We've had swallows nesting in our garage for more
years than we can remember - that's not many at our age. Of course they
do tend to leave their droppings all over the cars so Steve wants to put
garage doors on but Jane won't have anything getting in the way of the
swallows rearing at least two broods a year. As a consequence Steve
now has a mark on the bonnet of the Porsche where one of the chirpy
chaps had left its mark and Steve hadn't noticed until it was too late.
This guano is really caustic - it must be the lime. |
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