How much wood can a wood splitter split in a day? Quite a lot it seems.
I had filled two 1 tonne bags with wood using my 3Kg splitting axe and that probably took me a couple of hours in total. It wasn’t too difficult unless there was a side branch when the grain is going in all directions. The back breaking part comes in picking the split logs up, putting them into the wheelbarrow then unloading them into the bags. I’d arranged for a couple of guys to come and split the rest. In preparation Nick gave me 6 pallets he no longer needed. I laid these down to keep the cut logs off the soil and therefore dry.
After the first day of splitting the smaller branches had been split and the pallets had been covered. This is a mountain of wood and there is still the larger part of the trunk and lower branches to be split.
Another day of splitting and the tree will be in manageable piles. I think there will be enough wood to last me for the next 5 years and by that time there might be another tree that requires felling.
The horse chestnut along the drive is looking as though it’s will come to the end of its life within the next few years.