Busy July

Antipodean Visitors

My Australian friends, Ian and Sue, visited for a few days this month. Helène and I wanted to give them an interesting time so we took them to Yorkshire Sculpture Park as well as a tour of Lincoln city and the Humber Bridge.

A walk across the Humber Bridge is always pleasurable and the weather was very kind to us.

The Garden

We also spent some time sitting in the garden and appreciating the good weather.

The raised bed behind Helène is at it’s best and I’ve never seen it so full of colour. I think my gardening skills must be improving – about time.

Garden Clearance

We spent a weekend helping Helène’s daughters with clearing the garden of their newly acquired house.

The garden has been allowed to go wild so it required a lot of cutting back. Helène spent most of Sunday back and forth to the recycling centre with bags and bags of green “stuff”.

We also knocked down an old garden shed which had been absorbed into the undergrowth. I took the chainsaw to a row of Holly hedge which was at risk of knocking down the neighbours fence.

It was an exhausting but very satisfying weekend.

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2 Responses to Busy July

  1. Ian Flinders says:

    Hosts par excellence. A rich experience at the YSP, at the Humber Bridge and at the stunning Lincoln City. All a new experience.
    A splendid time seeing Steve so happy with the lovely Helène.

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