As we enter another period of lockdown I’m preparing by exploring things to do when there’s nowhere to go or people to see.
My bread making skills have improved dramatically. To be totally honest it has nothing to do with my skills but more on the age of the ingredients. I bought fresh yeast and new flour and voila a very tasty white loaf. Once I’ve eaten this I will try a granary loaf. I have the flour ready and waiting.
With the onset of autumn and because the lawns are covered in leaves I have taken piglet away from her duties and given her a clean.
I’m surprised that with a piece of equipment that has, in the past, been left outside all year round there is a warning not to clean with water and definitely not a pressure washer. She needs a good clean but I’ve done as much as I can reach. I’ve squirted WD40 over the moving parts and anything liable to rust. I’ve also changed the three blades which are the size of razor blades.
If the grass continues to grow I’ll run the petrol mower over the grass which will also pick up the leaves. As far as piglet is concerned – she’s on holiday until the spring.
Hi ,
We had to laugh/wince at your bread im”Proved” 🙂
It seems sad that as lockdowns here in Qld AUS are evaporating that imprisonment things are sustaining in the Ol’ Dart. Sue is also replying to your email as she doesn’t trust me after a social evening on the red stuff !
unintentional puns are often the best. I read that Oz had gone 3 days without a single new infection. As I’m sure you are aware things here are very different. Another 4 weeks of staying at home is depressing for many people but I’m in a surprisingly good place. I will survive!!!