It’s that time of year when I undertake the annual beetroot pickling “blood” fest. As the years go by I seem to be getting better at keeping the process under control. Admittedly this year there were fewer beets to sort out. Looking back to when I did this last year I notice that my beetroot were much bigger and I was preparing them mid September. Here I am at the end of October with some pathetic beets. I’m not sure why I wasn’t as successful as I was in other years so I cannot even learn a lesson from it.
Last year I pickled three Kilner jars and this year there is only one. Luckily I still have one jar left over from last year so not a complete disaster and I won’t be starving I’m sure.
I need to eat last year’s beetroot though before it goes off and save this year’s for my salads in summer 2021. How’s that for planning ahead?
Another element of the bloodbath is the Covid 19 antibody study I’ve participated in. I had to prick my finger and drop some blood into a hole, add some agent and then wait for bars on the device to appear or not. In my case there were no bars which indicates I don’t have any antibodies so am still prone to catching the virus.
It doesn’t surprise me because I haven’t felt unwell in the last nine months, not even a cold. I’ve also been very careful about mixing with others. As I type this all the indications are we will be going back into a national lockdown to see if we can pause the uplift in numbers in time for Christmas. It seems many people will tolerate six weeks of isolation to enable them to have one day with all the family. I’m not sure how I will cope with more solitary confinement but hopefully with stoicism and fortitude as I have done in the past nine months. You’re a long time dead so make the most of every day.