In the absence of my killer bees I’ve been enjoying my time in the vegetable plot although the odd passing buzz still alerts me to “danger”. My fear is gradually abating and as I said in my last post I won’t make a decision about getting new bees in the spring until after Christmas.
It seems I have made a new friend. I was weeding the paths in the vegetable plot when this young robin came to check on any grubs I may have been unearthing. It seemed to be completely fearless and was within arms reach at times.
Mid week the “family” met at Rutland Water for a socially distanced picnic. It was a bit breezy by the water but a good time was had by all and we spent a pleasant 3 hours together for the first time since lockdown was introduced in March. As a treat for everyone I made some sausage rolls, Sue produced Portuguese Tarts and Lucie handed out sugar rush French Fancies.
I’m reliably informed that a sausage roll has fewer calories than a cake.
This time last year I was pulling up the onions and garlic and without referring back it seems I’m doing exactly the same this year. I see this as a good sign because I’m in touch with the seasons and what the weather is doing. The onions and garlic haven’t done too badly although I think my courgettes are late to crop. On the positive side my parsnips are looking very good, or at least they have a lot of top growth. My french beans (first time I’ve grown them) look as though they will crop well too. This will compensate for the total disaster I’m experiencing with my beetroot. Checking last year’s blog I didn’t pickle beetroot until mid September so there’s still time for them to produce something worth harvesting.
With the month rapidly drawing to a close I need to put a lot more effort into my weeding programme. I was dead heading the foxgloves in the tree lined walk and noticed the nettles that are springing up in an area I cleared of weeds a month ago. It doesn’t take too long to clear but I do need the motivation to get out there and “just do it” or find a partner who can help out. No sign of that happening in the short term.