I should be focussing on the journey and not concerning myself with the destination. It’s a principle that I struggle with. I’m pleased to say that it works for growing vegetables because there are some successes and a number of failures.
This is my first cucumber of the season and one plant will produce a number in the coming weeks but the other looks a very weak.
None of my tomatoes have ripened yet, my sweet peppers are coming but nothing to shout about however I do have numerous green chilli peppers on their way.
In the veg patch I dug up my first row of potatoes (Pentland) and they were pathetic. Very few spuds per plant and they don’t cook well. One minute they are not cooked and the next they’ve turned to mash. My beetroot are the worst I’ve ever grown to the point where they may be considered a failed crop. The runner beans are looking very productive and taste delicious; the French beans are looking good too.
Although my bees are sadly gone I have been busy removing the last of their honey from the frames.
Unlike last time when I scraped the wax caps off the comb, this time I used a heat gun to melt the wax. It was a lot quicker and a lot less messy. This batch of honey was a lot runnier and clearer than the earlier extraction which was probably produced from oil seed rape. In total I filled 22 jars. It was a sad day because it might be the last time I do it, I hope not. All I have to do now is clean up all the equipment.
Love the honey labels.
Our 2nd extraction was also very runny, must be something in the….flowers!
It’s reassuring to hear your 2nd lot of honey was runny too. It is beautifully clear.
Look forward to tasting yours soon.