Despite the extremes of weather – it’s either too hot, too dry or too wet and sometimes all three in the same day and despite my random periods of neglect the vegetable plot continues to deliver to varying degrees. I sowed four rows of peas, Kelvedon Wonder and Sugar Snap, but only two rows managed a crop (I suspect the wood pigeons ate them) and even then it was only enough for two meals. In contrast to the peas, the courgettes, as always, are giving me more marrows than I know what to do with. Every year I tell myself not to sow too many courgette seeds but do I listen? No, I don’t.
The potatoes are looking good and each plant produces enough to last me a week. I should be cutting back on carbs but I don’t like to see produce going to waste.
I’ve also pulled up the white onions and garlic. Sometimes the crop isn’t that much larger than what I planted and I cannot figure why the onion size differs so dramatically across the same row. It’s worth looking at the comments I made in August 2018 and note the similarity.
All tied up and drying out in the potting shed. When it stops raining the red onions and shallots will need digging up.