Edinburgh 2

Anxiety Experiment

My first event was called Anxiety Experiment. I am not alone in experiencing anxiety, we all do from time to time and to different degrees. In some respects being anxious is a protection – the flight or fight decision. It appears in our modern world we all feel this need with a rush of adrenalin and this event was presented by a GP. He suggested that our brain has some basic sensors which we have from birth and as babies we can control these senses by eye movement because babies don’t have other mechanisms to deal with stress. If we emulate these eye movements then we can eradicate anxiety and stress. The audience took part in the “experiment” and I must say my stress was reduced by following his instructions. I did ask at the end if this was a case of “distraction” and “suggestability” causing the reduction and although he didn’t dismiss my assertion out of hand he did imply that extensive research suggested otherwise. For further information click here…click here…


This was a drama about an android, the first of its kind, with super intelligence and artificial intelligence that would replace all manual workers. The development was taking place to a backdrop of food shortage riots and the population in revolt because the government controlled the supply of food coupons. The entrepreneur responsible for funding the development was a sleazy man who was hoping the android could be used as a sex toy for his own gratification as well as making his production lines more profitable by getting rid of human workers. What the play didn’t explain was who was buying all the goods produced when ordinary citizens were not working and therefore had no money. I think economists would say there is a balance between profit, productivity and a population with enough money to buy the goods and services. It was an interesting theme however the acting was quite weak.

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