There’s nothing worse than car trouble and it seems Clive attracts the problem like flies to …. The Porsche 911 has been sitting around for several months because it has been losing coolant and the KubelWagen (pictured) refuses to start.
We began our mechanical adventure by replacing the battery on the Porsche and it started however the water level warning light came on fairly rapidly. Clive drove it down the 2 mile long dirt track to the tarmac road whilst I followed at a safe distance in the pick-up truck. On the way he noticed the clutch wasn’t working properly and by the time he got it back to the barn the clutch was not working at all. The Porsche has serious problems and they are not going to be resolved easily.
The KubelWagen is a custom-built replica of a German World War 2 staff car (don’t ask). The lime green paint work sets it apart from anything else, as if it needed that. The starting problem is yet to be resolved despite checking fuel and electrics.
We’ve also moved a frame tent that had been used by the construction guys for sand blasting. It is now over the top of a backup generator that can run the electrics at the barn and the satellite internet system. Yes, this place is so remote the best internet connection is via satellite 22 miles above us. Another task ticked off the list.
With 60 acres of woodland the wildlife has plenty of places to hide however this is a very poor picture of a stag on the path between my cabin and the main house. As soon as he sensed my presence he was off into the trees. I’ve also seen bull frogs, lizards, scrub turkeys and a turkey vulture. No bears yet but they are around and my walk up to the cabin at night can be a bit worrying.
And first thing in the morning when the sun is coming up this is the view I get from my bed…
We feel for you, having to live in the wilderness like that, wild animals all around, broken down vehicles everywhere.
Sounds a bit like Essex come to think of it.
Well, apart from the pine trees. And the turkeys. And Bears. And that sunrise. Probably not Essex then.
I used to live in Essex and I can tell you this isn’t anything like Essex 😉
Walking up to the cabin last night there was rustling in the trees so I started talking very loudly to myself – bears! What bears? Probably only a turkey but I wasn’t taking any chances…