It’s the classic retirees lament – “how did I ever find time to go to work?” This week consisted of: a U3A meeting to develop a survey of the membership; introduction to beekeeping course; visit to Skegness U3A to experience how they operate their monthly meetings (boring); lunch at the The Welby Arms to celebrate Sue and Nick’s birthday; a drive in the MX5 with Dave as my co-driver to check the route of the next U3A car enthusiasts event; a visit to
Jane’s hospice garden and finally Doddington Hall biennial sculpture exhibition.
The hospice garden needs some maintenance so I’ve agreed to go over in September to strim the plants that have passed their best and cut the hedge back.
Alongside all of this I’ve been keeping an eye on the garden to make sure it doesn’t get completely out of hand. Nick and Val gave me some strawberry plant runners which I’ve planted where the rosemary, thyme and fennel were. I’ve moved them nearer the back door under the trees so I’m not sure they will survive.
I couldn’t get hold of any pickling vinegar (Tesco had run out) however Val had some left over so I dug up my beetroot and spent my Sunday morning listening to the Archers omnibus edition whilst boiling, skinning and pickling beetroot. It looked like an abattoir with red stuff all over the work-surfaces and if I wasn’t too careful the floor. I managed to fill two Kilner jars. Last year I had three jars – the adverse spring and summer weather has taken its toll on my vegetable production.