Having visited Thorne Bees with the U3A some time ago and my friend Gary starting beekeeping earlier this year it seemed I should consider getting a hive of my own.
The morning introductory course consisted of an hour in the classroom, coffee and delicious scones followed by an hour outside dismantling an active hive. The life of a bee is far more complicated than I thought. We all know about drones, workers and the queen however the roles of each and the different products we use that are created by the bees is amazing – honey, beeswax, and royal jelly.
Keeping bees can be quite demanding but like a lot of hobbies that’s the point of it – it takes up time. Watch this space for a late spring 2019 new arrival or possibly several thousand new arrivals.
Can’t wait for our discussions on whose got the biggest hive tool…..
Hive tools – yes I saw a variety of them and actually used one during the hands-on session. I’m still thinking – “should I, shouldn’t I”. I hope get down to your neck of the woods in the Autumn to talk it through with you…