Tomorrow is the big day – Hello Mazda CX5 and goodbye Skoda Yeti. What a work horse the Skoda has been. Only last week I parked it in a muddy field and when all around me were getting their cars bogged down I just drove off without missing a beat. I did help push several people out and was the last to leave but the Yeti made light work of the muddy ruts. It’s probably been one of the most comfortable and capable cars I’ve ever owned (including the Audi TT and Porsche Boxster). With its 180bhp power train it is very good from 0 – 60 and if I wind it up to 4,500 revs it whooshes along; I shall miss it. If Skoda produced a similar engined model I’d buy another one but it’s time for a change.
Although I wasn’t going to clean it I felt embarrassed by all the mud and dirt so the power washer came out and it got a hosing down. It looks ok when wet but there’s still a layer of dirt that didn’t get removed. More tomorrow on the Mazda…