New Car and More…

mx5-reflex-bluesep16Now when I said I was 90% of the way towards a decision having slept on that decision and spoken to the sales guy in the Mazda garage I at long last got an offer from him and it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. I was expecting the Mazda to be the most expensive and with a series of “innovative deals” it turns out to be the least expensive of all the cars I’ve driven and yet is the largest and most luxurious; also it looks better than the Kia – I didn’t really like the bonnet shape of the Sportage and it was difficult to see the front edges whereas the Mazda felt right when I was squeezing it into the garage. Also Nunns at Grimsby have been so helpful and it has a more upmarket (clean and welcoming) feel to it – yes I’m an impossible snob.

Today was a nightmare as I felt really destabilised by making this decision on my own – stressed and depressed; not a good place to be. I had to remind myself that I did deals worth millions of pounds when I was working but then again it wasn’t my money. Don’t get me wrong, I would have been mortified if I’d misspent public money.

logssept16To cheer myself up I spent a few hours cutting and stacking logs with my new electric chain saw. The petrol saws are so noisy in an urban environment so I’ve purchased a powerful electric one which isn’t too noisy and cuts through logs like butter. It takes more time to stack than it does to cut. I still have two more boxes to fill but given some cool, dry weather I’ll soon be ready for autumn and the log burner can be fired up.

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3 Responses to New Car and More…

  1. Good choice of car Steve and sounds like you got a good deal. Well done you!
    We too have switched to an electric chainsaw, not for noise considerations but for greater reliability.

  2. paul says:

    Oh Steve. I respect ur decision to go for the Mazda. It does look good. We did buy a Mazda a long time ago. The dealers took ahard bargain but i remember long time past that the dealer was trying to flog some v exp fold up bikes before they became the unliked feature of many cities. still have ours. Can’t believe they were several hundreds so very long ago.but we have and fit in boot. Well done. But why still so shy oncolour choice…

    • Steve says:

      Hi Paul – I’m a firm believer in understatement so I wouldn’t want a colour that was too garish. There is also an issue that the colour I would have chosen is no longer available. Most car manufacturers are reducing their colour ranges and apart from two shades of white, black, grey, mid blue and red there isn’t a lot more choice. One of the more expensive Kia cars was in black or white.

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