Despite not posting anything for two weeks we haven’t been staying in bed or watching daytime TV. Unfortunately we still haven’t had the results from Jane’s CT scan largely because her oncologist has been on holiday but she returns on 20th so let’s hope we hear some good news. Jane’s stomach problems continue despite taken tablets to subdue the discomfort.
We continue to volunteer at Lincoln Castle on Sunday mornings and it can be very busy to the point of not being able to cope with the number of visitors. Last week we were checking people at the Walking the Walls entrance where we hand out audio guides and try to answer difficult questions – all good fun.
Jane also took part in a Bevox choir recital at a Lincoln school and she gets great pleasure from her singing even if some of the songs are not what she would choose to sing.
Last Saturday evening Jane and Lucie went to see Jools Holland at Lincoln Castle. Despite the Met Office giving a clear forecast it rained before the gig started but it didn’t dampen their enthusiasm and the rolled back home at about 11pm. Dave and I stayed at home where I cooked dinner and we drank our way through a couple of bottles of wine. So it was a good night all round.
As others and always, thinking of you both and esp Jane. Think Lincoln School was a client of mine, nice place. Been myself to Top Man in Europe on hand ops this week, but nothing compared to jane. glad you both seem to be keeping busy. Supposed to have done a car boot sale this morning, but raining so cancelled. Will do another day but it will be new to us. How do you price things?
Take Care u both. Paul and Helene
As always, thinking of you both and keeping fingers crossed for good news for Jane. it must be so stressful having to wait so long for a result. Pleased Jane is still being Jane and managing to get out and about despite suffering with her stomach. Stay strong. xx