Never a Dull Moment, or is there?

gainsborough-hall(nov14)In the spirit of Christmas I volunteered to go with Jane and Lucie to Gainsborough to visit the Christmas Fair in the Old Hall. It is a really impressive building and considering it was built in the 1400s it still retains many of its original features.

Like all Christmas fairs the goods were of dubious value gainsborough-xmas-deer(nov1and so nothing was purchased however Gainsborough had a nice feel to it and the Christmas decorations weren’t too shabby considering it isn’t a large town.

We strolled around the shops in Marshall’s Yard before heading home in readiness for our night out.

iza-moon-gig(nov14)We had reserved tickets for the usual suspects to see Iza Moon at Tealby Village Hall. We’ve had some good nights at Tealby and although we didn’t know anything about Iza we thought it was going to be to our liking. The lesson here is always check on the internet before agreeing to anything. It turns out this singer and story-teller is very ethereal and as far from grounded as, well the moon. We are all very straightforward, irreligious folk who believe in the power science over mumbo jumbo so this evening wasn’t really for us. Unusually for me I actually went to sleep (no snoring) and I’m sure Iza Moon would have said this was due to her calming influence. I guess I left my hippy dippy days behind at the end of the 1960s when real life and work impinged on my life – Iza Moon walks a different path. She was certainly a talking point once I’d woken up.

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2 Responses to Never a Dull Moment, or is there?

  1. Judy Sansom says:

    We could have done with some of her calming influence at Bective. I still have nightmares about Stuart Phelan!

    • Steve says:

      I don’t think anything could have calmed the kids at Bective, most days we had to scrape them off the walls. I remember young Thomas who had a cute gappy smile but to keep him still I had to draw a circle on the board and tell him to keep his nose in the circle and of course he did it – not the brightest piece of cutlery in the draw.

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