Concidence, Serendipity or what?

Over the last few days we had a number of friends visiting the house. Tony and Jude all the way from Forres in Scotland then ironically Mary (who had previously lived near Forres) with Roger. Our brains were not functioning very well at the weekend as sadly we did not take photos of these good people but we had a wonderful time catching up.

college-reunion(oct14)And we had arranged to meet Susie and John our college friends at Cusworth Hall just outside Doncaster as it was about half way between us in Market Rasen and them in Holmfirth.

We arrived in the car park within minutes of each other (both in Skoda Yetis) and after the usual hugs and kisses we were heading towards the pay and display machine when walking up the path came Marion & Tim who we’d also been at college with. I’m not capable of calculating the probability of this happening but it seems very, very remote; if we’d been ten minutes later we would have missed them. We stood in the car park catching up on each others lives and arranged to meet again in November – what an event that will be. Thankfully on this momentous occasion a nearby workman was persuaded to take a photo.

We had lunch with Susie and John catching up with events – Jane’s health, their holidays, our respective families, life, politics, religion, etc. We managed to occupy our table for nearly two hours and if our parking tickets hadn’t expired we would probably have spent a lot more time there. Next time we hope to get time to have a look around the museum.

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2 Responses to Concidence, Serendipity or what?

  1. Paul says:

    That sounds extrodinarely nice and hoped it gave both of you a great boost….trees and damp are a nuisence, but to get days out together with friends is brilliant. Everyone, KEEP GOING!
    I am at hosp every 2 days, next one tomorrow…v painful etc but nowhere near Jane, we so much hope she is well.
    P, H, C & T
    Steve, can I challenge you to insert a spell-checker for blog replies, as you will see above, one-handed typed replies are prone to errors.
    take care

    • Steve says:

      Don’t worry about the spellings it’s great to see your words as a comment. I’m sorry your hands are giving you problems but hopefully the latest round of treatment will improve them. I’ll give you a call sometime to catch up.
      I did think about editing the spellings but then the comment wouldn’t make sense.

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