Jack Ryan – Shadow Recruit Film Review

jackryanfilm(feb14)Dave & Lucie bought me a Christmas present of a Vue cinema card, the nearest being “sunny” Scunthorpe so before we move to Market Rasen we had to use the card.

We knew nothing about the film, other than Harrison Ford played Jack Ryan in Patriot Games, but it looked like an action packed thriller so we decided to go late afternoon. The cinema complex was virtually empty and there were only two other people in our screening so it was almost like a private viewing.

Jane had her usual snooze through the advert and trailers but once the film started we were both on the edge of our seats for the whole running time. Not only was it all action the dialogue was smart and edgy. Chris Pine as Jack Ryan played the part of a capable man out of his depth brilliantly and Kevin Costner, unusually for him, under played his role well. So where did Keira Knightly fit? Apart for the token woman she was intelligent, strong and gave purpose to the hero.

Not a classic film but great for a cold and wet evening .

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2 Responses to Jack Ryan – Shadow Recruit Film Review

  1. Martin says:

    Good review Sir! We will probably wait till it comes on the’t telly (as they probably say up in your neck of the woods ).

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