Woodland Path

woodland-path(feb14)One of the attractions of the site of our new home is the mature trees – in the recent gales they have given us some heart stopping moments but they’ve all survived. At an early stage we knew we wanted a woodland path between the trees. We have used the wood chippings from the branches we cut down last summer as a base for the path but there is plenty more to be put down and clear up.

One of our problems is that whilst we’re clearing the garden the builders are using it as a bit of dumping ground despite there being a skip  constantly on site. We’re taking it upon ourselves to clear up as much as we can to set a good example but we don’t think it’s being noticed. We continue to persevere…

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6 Responses to Woodland Path

  1. Rodders says:

    If your previously decribed ‘enthusiastic’ builders had also been tidy builders you could have made a film ‘Miracle in Market Rasen’ – at least that is my own jaundiced experience!

    • Steve says:

      Your right, they’re comparatively tidy but we do find ourselves litter picking once a week especially as we are now trying to put plants into the garden. We don’t want bits of insulation hanging off the climbers we’re training up the back fence.

  2. Perry says:

    I have been told that land mines placed beneath six packs of beer work a treat. Although you may have to vary the items placed above the mines – they pick up fairly quickly that something dodgy is going on.

    Trees tend to shrug it off in a treeish way – “oh yeah, those humans at it again, rubbishing the forest, playing ‘here – boom – gone’, whatever, I’m a beech and I’m ok”.

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