Run Up To Christmas

The run up to Christmas is a strange time. When I was working I was planning for the 2 day IT shutdown at the council, making sure there were staff available and the systems would continue run. Without the preoccupation of work, the anxiety of getting Christmas “right” whatever that means is heightened.

The week started with an interview on BBC Radio 4, with Esther Rantzen, who has stage 4 lung cancer. She was talking about assisted dying and this brought back memories of Jane’s final weeks. She went into the hospice 8 years ago just before Christmas. I cannot bring myself to read those posts however the memories are still very clear.

One distraction has been photography. This month’s u3a themes are Night Photography and Festive. I decided to drive into Lincoln one evening to see what was around.

The cathedral is magnificent. After taking a few obvious shots of the front of the building I walked around the streets in the cathedral quarter to get something different.

Here on a back street, with the houses in the forefront and the cathedral rising up behind them, looked magical.

A week ago I travelled down to Northamptonshire to have a pre Christmas catch up with an ex work colleague and old friends. It isn’t easy keeping up the connections but it is worthwhile.

Helene wasn’t available during the day because she was having the roof of her house replaced and had to look after the builders. We got together in the evening for dinner.

I like staying at the Aviator Hotel at Sywell Aerodrome and it has become my place to stay when visiting the county.

I’m spending Christmas with friends in the Lake District. If there are any burglars reading this thinking the house will be empty and vulnerable… think again; the neighbours are very good at making sure the house is safe.

I have done my preparations towards Christmas: my usual soggy bottomed sausage rolls; olive loaf; granary loaf; kindling split and baskets of logs in a bag to take away; enough food to get me and friends through the Christmas week.

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