Cooking Technology

My interest in new technology spills over into the kitchen and I’m a succour for tech hype. There has been a lot of discussion about air fryers over the past couple of years and so I thought I would investigate further.

There were several options and in the end I decided upon the Ninja Speedi. It can do many things and I’ll leave it to you to read up on them using the Ninja link. Here are my early thoughts on using it.

Firstly I should examine the reasons for buying one. I hasten to say over the past 6 months the price has dropped from £299 to £179. It is reputed to save time and energy. It undoubtedly is faster than a conventional oven however I cook on gas which is a lot cheaper than electricity so I don’t think I’m saving money. As to the time saved… I’m not in a hurry and what do I do with the extra time gained?

It is possible to cook potatoes or rice or quinoa, etc in the bottom of the container while cooking meat in the top. The first lesson was that the top food cooks a lot quicker and therefore needs to be put into the machine after the bottom part has been cooking for 10 minutes. In my first attempts I put everything in at the same time and left it for 15 minutes. It wasn’t a complete disaster but the pork medallion was overcooked. This isn’t a machine that can be loaded with the food and you can walk away; interventions are required. I’m still on a learning curve and I shall continue to experiment. At the moment the jury is out as to whether I would recommend the Ninja Speedi.

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