There’s always something to occupy my time. A few weeks ago my Synology NAS collapsed on me. The only data I lost was the CDs I had ripped over the past 7 years however the majority of them were on my phone so it was fairly straightforward to copy them across.
When I came to rip the CDs that were missing, I found that Windows Media Player was missing off the first track of each CD. I’m now having to go through and make sure all CDs are complete. It’s proving to be a labour of love and very tedious.
I discovered that Guy Tortora was playing in Louth. Dave bought the tickets and it was agreed that all the neighbours would go together.
His blues playing was as good as ever and we had a great night.
As always I’ve been impatient with my gardening and no doubt have sown seeds before the ground is warm enough to put them outside. I have bought a heated pad to put under the seed trays which appears to be very effective. For the first time I’m growing Lima (Butter) beans and they require a warm environment. All is growing well and I have most things covered outside to keep off the wood pigeons and squirrels.
Helène was here for a couple of days and we took the opportunity to take a walk around Linwood Warren. It was very wet underfoot.
When we were in the sun it felt quite warm but it was only 10 degrees C so cool in the shade.