Usual Stuff…

I was given this notebook by my brother-in-law who is now a Porsche convert. He recently purchased a 911 Targa (see previous post).

I have to confess the Porsche is my preferred vehicle when the sun is shining despite the fact that it does half the mpg to the Mazda. You simply cannot put a price on happiness.

I look forward to some warm summer days when I can have the roof down and not have to put the heater onto full blast.

The recent cold snap has delayed me from putting in more seeds although my sweetcorn and green beans have started to germinate in the potting shed. No sign of the tomato seeds yet and a friend has them 30 cms high in his unheated greenhouse.

I was given some smart plant tags for Christmas and I’ve run out so I found out where they were purchased (online of course) and bought some more. They are made of hard wood so I hope they last. They should do provided I don’t trip over them and snap them, something I often do with the plastic markers.

I’m slowly extending my cookery skills and need to explore using the Crockpot more. I’ve already used it for steaming vegetables and it produces very good rice in about 10 minutes.

This is a recent dish I’ve added to my repertoire – chicken pasta gratin. It is delicious and very easy to prepare. The recipe uses breadcrumbs on the top but I’ve used parmesan since I recently converted to liking cheese.

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