Spring Blossom

Despite the sudden cold snap the UK is experiencing, the trees are in full blossom. The almond tree has always put on a good show however it is very difficult to get a photo of it that does it justice.

I don’t expect to ever get almonds from it and even if there were some, I’m sure the pesky squirrels would be there in a blink of an eye and remove them.

This has been in place for 6 years and I’m wondering how I managed to plant it so it isn’t straight. The tree seems happy enough.

About two years ago I bought a plum tree from Tesco, not renown for it’s plants, however it seems to have survived a couple of winters and for the first time has white blossom.

If the late frosts don’t damage the flowers there’s a possibility I shall get a few plums this year. I probably need to feed and water it at this time.

It seems a few weeks since I had any serious rain so I’m having to water the recently acquired plants and the vegetable plot. This is unheard of at this time of year. It has been a contrast from early February when there were ponds of water in the garden.

When someone turns up in a Porsche 911 Targa it would be rude to turn them away.

I think these poor souls were lost. Strangely it is the same colour as my Boxster. Perhaps the 911 had heard the Porsche mating call and wanted to reproduce or I pressed the wrong button and the Boxster inflated.

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