Good Days…

After a week of dull gloomy weather Saturday arrived with some sunshine. First I did a Joe Wicks fitness session that he had posted on YouTube on Friday and I followed it up with a walk with the neighbours. It was good to be outside after several days being cooped up. Not warm to begin with but after a short while and some fast walking I was shedding my hat and gloves. We walked up to Willingham Woods and then through the main track to come out on the Tealby road. As we passed the Sunnyside cafe we paused to discuss whether we should stop for coffee but the prospect of sitting outside on damp, cold picnic benches didn’t persuade us so we walked on and back home for coffee. It was close to a 6 mile walk. Although I’m used to short, sharp exercise routines, walking for nearly 2 hours is quite tiring.

I spent the afternoon in the garden tidying up the vegetable plot. I pulled up the spinach beet plants which had grown well but I didn’t use a lot in my cooking. Apart from the black kale (Cavolo Nero) and parsnips, all the other beds have been cleared and turned over ready for planting in the late spring. I’ve already sown some onion seeds in the potting shed in a heated seed tray. They’ve come up very quickly, possibly too soon. I’ve turned the heat off to slow them down a bit. Hopefully they won’t get frosted. I shall plant onion sets too just in case.

While I was gardening the tree surgeons were along the drive removing dead wood from some of Nick and Val’s trees.

They were supposed to have been working on mine last weekend but I still haven’t received planning consent. There’s an Ash tree that has a fungal growth at the base also several Lime branches are overhanging the neighbours and others are brushing onto the studio roof. It appears the Tree Officer is no longer with the council and there is a significant backlog. I don’t think I’m going to get the work done until February but I want it done before the birds start nesting.

After a very satisfying day the heavens opened just as the sun was setting. The sun reflecting off the wet drive and against the stark outline of the trees was worthy of a photograph.

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