During the past week time seems to have slowed down. The weather has turned colder and over the last few days it has become dull and damp.
I continue to exercise most days with Gentle Fit on Monday’s and Fridays, a PT session on Tuesday’s and a Joe Wicks session on Wednesday. It’s too cold for me to cycle so I take myself out on a walk. I took this photo of starlings flocking together. As I walked across the muddy field they would take to the air ahead of me with a whooshing sound. Fascinating to watch but it was too chilly to stand for long.
With daylight hours from 8 am to 4 pm the evenings can be long and tedious. I tend to light the fire shortly after dark, sit and read for a while or catch up with emails then cook dinner and shortly after 7.30 I’m settling down in front of the TV. I seem to spend most of my viewing time watching Netflix or Amazon Prime rather than the BBC which is a complete reversal of my previous habits.
There are occasions when time seems to drag however I usually find something to do – cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping…
Long evenings in the winter can get tedious.
What about getting your Linux PC to work properly – that will probably take most evenings throughout the winter?
//sudo apt-get windows update
//sudo apt-get windows upgrade
Oh, you are so right on both counts. Long evenings and Linux. I’m sorely tempted to ditch the Linux OS and buy an extortionate Windows license. But then again at least Linux doesn’t try to put my photos into random albums or tell me what music I should be listening to. Second thoughts I can leave that to Amazon music and Google Photos.