It seems I’m better at dismantling areas of the garden than creating new designs. I don’t understand enough about plants to get them in the right place and to have a range of flowers throughout the year. Does it matter? I’ve decided it doesn’t and as long as I enjoy being in the garden and manage to keep it tidy then that’s fine; I’m doing it for me.
When Jane was originally planting out the garden this corner was intended to have a variety of grasses. Unfortunately one broad leaved grass had taken over so I decided to clear the area. The grasses are deep rooted and have been a struggle to get out but as the green pile against the tree stump will attest I’ve managed it. Just need to take them to the recycling centre. You might also notice the potting shed roof has had the felt ripped off in the gale force winds so that will need to be replaced once the weather calms down a bit. I’m also considering removing the stump and using the rotted wood on top of the logs that already in place.
While I was clearing the area I came across a pile of leaves up against the rotting logs placed there as a home for wildlife. I brushed the leaves to one side with the intention of putting them on the compost heap however underneath was a hedgehog curled up into a ball, hibernating. I carefully brushed the leaves over again and left it in peace. I was lucky I hadn’t sliced into it with my spade. I shall keep an eye for hedgehog poo as the weather gets warmer. It clearly indicates that these wildlife areas I have around the garden are worthwhile. Maybe I should let the whole garden go wild and sod what people think. Wildflowers would be pollinators for the bees too. Food for thought.