In June last year I set up a wall TV screen to display my brother Clive’s digital art work. The modern art, random display, was becoming a little like an ever changing wallpaper and I requested something that had a recognisable image. In the past the work has been sent in the post on a solid state disk which also holds the Linux operating system but this time we agreed to try something different where the OS was on the SSD and the art work was on a microSD card (no apology for the tech talk). The first problem was the SSD card had been “fried” in transit (we think customs use x-ray machines) so it didn’t work. With Clive’s help I used the existing SD card, changed the boot script and voila I had a new art work although it kept flickering. After quite a bit of technical faffing about we managed to get it working as shown in the image. We’ve also discovered that he can email me new pieces of work so no need to risk “frying” any more solid state disks.
Also this week I had the loop that guides Piglet repaired. Somehow it had become damaged and Piglet refused to operate. Once it was fixed I set her running because spring approaches and the grass is growing. What I didn’t know was there was snow forecast so lo and behold I woke to Piglet desperately trying to plough her way through the snow. I took pity on her and parked her until the lawn clears and dries.
And finally the bees. My poor ladies don’t know whether they’re coming or going – one minute the sun is shining and they’re out, foraging for pollen and the next moment it’s cold and snowing.
I’m hoping March will bring some better weather and I can get inside the hive to check up on them. I might even give them another feed to get the queen started on laying eggs.