Tree Fellers

OK, I’ll get the obvious joke out-of-the-way, there were five, not three, tree fellers. They were due to come at the beginning of July however they had a gap in their work and at the last-minute asked if they could come today. As previously posted the trees had a fungal disease which made them unsafe.

Their efficiency and professionalism was a wonder to behold. They arrived just before 8am and by lunchtime the smaller sycamore was virtually down.

A day of screaming chain saws and a shredding machine must have upset the neighbours not to mention the layers of sawdust covering everything. The flower borders around the trees have taken a pounding and I think many plants may be trampled beyond recovery. It will strengthen my resolve to reshape the borders. With two large trees removed there will be more light reaching the borders and I can therefore select plants that will thrive in full sunshine. Looking for other benefits I hope I will have fewer leaves in the Autumn to collect from the back lawn.

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