Firewood Auction

firewood-auction(feb15)Once again we found ourselves standing in a cold, damp field with Lincolnshire country folk ready for an auction, this time for piles of firewood.

We noticed that we were not wearing the correct uniform as the auctioneers were  dressed in Hunter wellingtons (not zipped up) , wax jacket, tweed coat, checked shirt and tie, and a tweed cap.

The auction went very swiftly with the professional firewood people knowing their prices and bidding accordingly. We managed to win two piles of decent wood paying £65 and £70 respectively however we believe they amounted to over £200 worth of wood if we had bought them from a dealer.

It took four journeys with the trailer to collect it all and thanks to the assistance of Dave & Lucie the task didn’t take too long.

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2 Responses to Firewood Auction

  1. Kath says:

    Acquiring your wood seems to be a little different from when you lived in Rothersthorpe as if I remember correctly, Jane said that the local farmer allowed you to saw and chop up his fallen trees. But I expect it was much harder work then wasn’t it

    • Steve says:

      Hi Kath, yes at Rothersthorpe we had a number of connections so we never paid for our firewood. It takes time to make those relationships and there seems to be more people here who have chain saws and are offering to remove wood from farmers fields. We think we have enough firewood for a couple of years but I do need to get out and cut the logs into manageable lengths and split the larger pieces. It was a fun experience shifting all the wood.

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