We’ve been looking for an Almond tree for a long time and at last we found one in a small garden centre in Louth. We’re not certain it will produce almonds but the blossom with be reward enough.
We’ve placed it in a corner where it will be protected from the wind and frosts and it is also visible from the living area so we hope to see the blossom in the spring.
Jane is busy spreading out a clematis that she planted some time ago. She’s been busy putting climbers against most of the perimeter fences so that they will eventually be covered – it may take some time.
After only four months the house is beginning to settle (not literally) into its environment. The Larch timber cladding is changing colour and surprisingly it has lightened more on the north side than anywhere else.
The vegetable plot has given us better produce than any of our previous gardens so we’re really pleased and look forward to even better crops next year.
Your new house looks wonderful, still seems strange to see Jane with short hair, but as you so rightly said, she still looks beautiful, good luck with everything x
It is so good to read about (and see the photo) of Jane in the garden. Creating for her and your future is a really positive way forward.
Hi Kath. We’re really pleased with the garden and how we’re pulling it into shape. We have a huge pile of wood from a tree that we had taken down before we moved in and I need to cut it up into logs. Once I’ve done that we’ll have even more space to work with but I’m not sure we need more space.
Your new home is a really exciting project and looks absolutely fabulous. Congratulations. I look forward to seeing the garden over the next couple of years as you continue to nurture it and it matures.
Pleased to hear jane continue use to do well with her treatment.