Chemo Round 3

chemodrugsOn Friday afternoon Jane had her third infusion of Docetaxel which only takes an hour to trickle its way in. Thankfully her blood test showed that she was still ok to take another dose. She’s being very careful not to over exert herself, to avoid infections (hand washes after stroking Murphy) and to eat a balanced diet despite not enjoying a number of her favourite foods.

She’s avoided the swollen ankles of last week by putting her feet up whenever she feels it’s right and she felt good enough to go out on her bike to the Sunnyside café for a morning cuppa. I, of course, was riding shot-gun to make sure all went well (literally her body-guard) – the sun shone and she had a huge beam on her face as we cycled along the drive to the house. As expected she’s already planning her next cycle, a little further but not too far.

Tomorrow (Monday) she goes for a wig fitting although her pixie cut shows no sign of falling out.

She sees her oncologist on Friday and if all is well she gets the second course of the herceptin drugs, Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab, on the following Monday (7th September) so a week off from the Docetaxel.

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