A Better Day

After a very rough night because the drain was left in they managed to drain off another litre of fluid making nearly 3 litres in total. Yes we’re all asking the same question, how much can one lung hold? Obviously Jane has big lungs – must be all that swimming, cycling, squash, table tennis, etc. The oramorph today kept the pain away and at 4.30 they came to remove the tube which went very smoothly and Jane didn’t faint. For more details of the procedure (if you have the stomach for it click here…)

Within ten minutes of the tube being removed Jane was looking happier and managed to get up off the bed and walk to the toilet for the first time in 24 hours. She had a sleep with a little help from sister morphine and I left her in good spirits.

Tomorrow we hope the chemotherapy starts with the promise that this will quickly attack the swelling in the breast and also make sure the fluid around the lung will not return.

Today was a positive day with a great feeling of things getting better for the first time in many weeks. More tomorrow…

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4 Responses to A Better Day

  1. Caroline Hounsham says:

    Thinking about you both and sending love. Caroline

  2. Kath says:

    So pleased to hear that things have gone better for Jane today. Keep positive Steve and take care of yourself too.


  3. Mary Cartwright says:

    Certainly is great news. Will be thinking of Jane tomorrow & hope you’re doing ok too Steve. x

  4. Elizabeth puxley says:

    Brilliant news. It is great when modern medicine can treat what you have. Hope jane’s treatment continues to go well. Thank you for the regular updates.
    Love and gentle hugs to you both

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