Garden Focus

As I spend a great deal of time weeding in the garden I decided to upgrade my hoe. Over the years I’ve owned a number of Wolf garden tools. They are well made and last forever (40 years in my case). This one can take a number of different stainless steel ends and has a 35 year guarantee which means it will out last me.

I have given it several trials and found it very good because it cuts through the weeds on the way forward and on the way back. I decided not to show a picture of a pile of weeds.

Every now and then when in the garden I’m joined by this cheeky little robin. I feel certain it’s the one that came down when I was weeding the paths in the vegetable plot.

As I unearthed grubs and worms he would hop down from his dominant position and pick up whatever was available. It makes being in the garden all the more worthwhile.

The onions have dried off and so as usual I put them into a pair of tights.

I don’t know where the idea came from originally but I’ve been doing it for the last 4 years and it has been very successful. Air circulates around them and I hang them in the workshop so it’s cool and dark most of the time.

I didn’t think my onions had not done too well this year but I think I shall have enough to last me through until next year although a few will dry out or rot.

With the grass growing really well at this time I decided I should try to seed the areas that were looking bare. Rather than sprinkle seed over these areas I decided to try to sow the seed into plugs and then transplant the plugs into the areas where needed. This was apparently suggested by Monty Don however it was suggested by Lucie next door.

It is taking longer than anticipated for the seed to germinate. I might try  mixing some with potting compost and spread that onto the bare patches. At least the birds will have something to eat. Watch this space for an update in October.

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