Gardening and Bees

After removing the dead shrub from the tree lined walk I decided to replace it with a Rhododendron that I’d been nurturing in a pot on the patio.

There was quite a crater left from the extensive roots of the previous plant but when I pulled the rhododendron out of its pot I was surprised at its relatively small root system. With the prospect of several days of rain I hope I won’t have to carry watering cans to it.

At my weekly Tesco shop I noticed trays of geraniums,  six for £3 which is a lot cheaper than the ones I bought online last year. I bought two trays.

When I got them home I found a large blue pot, wheeled it around to the front and threw a bag of potting compost into it. I planted out ten geraniums so that there would be plenty of flowers showing at the front. I put the two leftover into the raised bed by the back door. I’m still waiting for my begonia tubers to burst into life but there’s very little sign of them so far.

I still haven’t inspected my hive for the new queen yet however I have removed six honey frames in readiness of extracting the honey.

It’s my intention to write a post on this as soon as I’ve got the honey into a jar with, of course photos, provided my hands don’t get covered in sticky honey which means I cannot use my phone camera. I have started to design the label which is a challenge in itself because it is a long while since I used MS Publisher for designing labels. More on this another time.

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2 Responses to Gardening and Bees

  1. Steve says:

    Hi Marjorie, good to hear life is treating you well and that events in the USA can largely be ignored in your delightful corner of California.
    There are a lot of things people will be missing this year and possibly into next. I think a few people are learning to live without certain activities and may never go back to them.
    I’m sure you are being very sensible and minimising risks. Stay healthy. Steve x

  2. Marjorie says:

    Brings back happy memories of eating my Grandpa’s honey, straight from the comb, on Granny’s fresh scones.Never minded the wax despite being picky about some foods back then.
    Our supermarkets are not that crowded and there’s no wait time but we split the list between us and go around separately to save time anyway.
    Like you I garden, adding new stuff, cutting back some perennials and planting tubs. My new thing is making succulent bowls and I have them on tables all around the main patio on the deck.
    Our local nursery is open again with distancing in place.
    Everyone wears their masks here. Not many Trump fans around. Can you believe that these morons pride themselves on not doing so? As Trump declared he loves uneducated people.
    Have only just started getting takeout again and it’s great to have sushi and food from Aqui, our favorite place to eat.Cooking more than I have since Lewis was still at home.
    Otherwise, reading a lot as usual, doing crosswords and walking a lot every day with Ruby as usual.
    Missing our monthly weekends on the Monterey Peninsula and Lewis and Viji coming over for coffee. Missing the camaraderie of car pooling and volunteering with Assistance League. Sorry I won’t be in Edinburgh in September to see my siblings and Botanicals nephews and visit the Botanical and really good Italian restaurants.
    Overall though we’re quite happy in our own little bubble.
    We have foxes with a litter here and they bark at us and the neighbors.At night they toss the outdoor chair cushions around. They’re very photogenic and run off when we approach but are becoming a bit of a problem.Planning to wait until the kits are raised And see what happens bfore taking measures to keep them out.
    Stay safe Steve. Sounds like you found the ideal new hobby.

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