What Day Is It..?

I’m sure everyone in lockdown has asked the question “what day is it?”. It was difficult enough when I was simply retired to know what day it was and then I had events and visits booked in my diary but now there isn’t a great deal going on. Even my regular morning keep fit with Joe Wicks might be disrupted because he’s in hospital with a hand injury (didn’t know whether to be happy, no more torture, or be unhappy, another event removed from the diary). I do have a couple of weekly Skype/Zoom get togethers and I do my PT session on Tuesday via Zoom so there are still a few things in my diary – so what day of the week is it?

After finding and marking the queen last weekend I did another inspection, easily spotted my ink stained queen, still very much alive and laying eggs. The weight of the Supers (boxes on top of the brood box) is increasing. I’ve been reliably informed that each frame weighs 1.5Kg when full of honey and there are 10 frames in a Super so it doesn’t take a mathematical genius to work out the box will be heavy when it gets full. In all probability I will take out a few frames at a time so I’ve been busy building replacement frames(see photo). Ten down and ten more to go. It’s a good job to do in the workshop when it’s raining.

The garden is coming into flower however the never ending weeding goes on and it doesn’t take me long to fill the green bin. Last week Dave and Lucie had a half full been so they allowed me to throw my excess into their’s. I do like my planter of pansies at the front of the house and I’ve planted a load of Begonia tubers in another pot at the front to add even more colour. They are yet to flower but if they bloom anything like last year’s then I shall be more than happy.
Some highlights from the garden today:


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