Garden Exercise

Now that the gym has closed my personal trainer, Tracey, is concerned that I might let my fitness levels slip. I’ve had a couple of messages from her questioning whether I’m still exercising. Well I am, possibly not in the way she expects but I spent 4 hours in the garden yesterday and I know I was using my muscles.
I started the day by tidying up my log stacks and filled the two log baskets I have. I used  the larger of the two as a bit of weight training and lifted it 10 times. I didn’t manage to get it over my head.

As a change of activity I then forked over the area behind the potting shed. Two weeks ago I cleared the area of all the broad leaved grasses that had taken over the area.

I still need to remove the remnants of the tree stump before I shall be totally happy however I’m nearly there. I’m thinking of sowing a wildflower mix in this space and see what happens. If it works the bees will love it.

And I finished the afternoon by preparing the vegetable plot for my seed potatoes. I didn’t leave enough room on my plan for all three rows so I’m going to have to redraw the plan and adjust where the other seeds are sown.

As the warmer weather and longer days arrive I’m looking forward to spending time planting out the vegetable plot.


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