Getting Stuff Done

I often think I’m an expert in procrastination and I can usually put most things off however there are a few days when everything seems to fall into place and I get a lot done. Last Thursday I went into town to get my passport photograph taken in a booth. I’d been warned it can be difficult to get an acceptable image. Mine was acceptable first time round – great. The machine emails your photo to you and gives a code to renew your passport. The process online was easy and within minutes the deed was done. I also used my photo to renew my free bus pass – couldn’t have been easier. How is it that all passport photos make people look like on the run mass murderers?

On the same day I put the finishing touches to the beehive so it is ready to be located but I need to move hive 1 first. In the meantime I sneaked a look at what the bees are doing and they are getting out to forage but I’m not sure if they’re bringing anything back. Does that back leg look as though there might be some pollen stashed away in it (the technical name for the sack is the corbicula)?

Over the weekend I moved a large self-seeded Himalayan Honeysuckle out of one of the raised beds. This didn’t go too well because the sleepers had rotted (after only 6 years) and fell away from the bed. After much pushing, bashing with a sledge hammer and levering I managed to get it back into place however I need to find some way of fixing the sleepers more substantially than a few 6 inch nails as used by the builders.

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