From everything I’ve read about bees they should be slowing down, staying within the hive and keeping warm. It seems my bees haven’t read the same books as me. The very wet weather gave me a chance to fit a mouse guard. Apparently mice like the warmth of the hive and make nests within the box which can harm the bees. The bees were curious about the new restriction on their entrance and clustered outside on the first sunny day after the rains. It is too cold to inspect the bees so I just have to assume that everything is going well for my workers. I’m advised I should open the box in early January when I will give them another Varroa mite treatment and then leave them alone until February.
While I’m worrying about the fitness of the bees I also have to concern myself with my own level of fitness. I find it daunting how my balance has decreased over the years to the point where standing on one leg isn’t easy. With this end in mind Tracey, my personal trainer, not only focusses on my general strength but also balance. The half ball you see in the photos often features in my sessions. Now I’ve conquered squats and push ups she makes me do it on a surface that is liable to wobble and holding a heavy weight. The level of concentration can be seen on my face and if there is the slightest distraction, like someone making me laugh, I’m likely to collapse in a heap.
Also this week I stood down from my role as Chairman of West Wolds U3A. I will remain on the committee to help out whenever I can but I’m no longer responsible for the running of the organisation. I enjoyed my three years as chairman but I’m glad it has come to an end. I intend to focus my time on the committee building new links into Lincoln University. Watch this space…