Busy Week

The second week of every month I designate as my U3A week. I have the committee on Monday  and the monthly general meeting on Thursday. I also attended a National U3A communications seminar north of Nottingham on Wednesday which was interesting because they were extolling the virtues of having a good website when their own is pretty awful.

The November meeting is the AGM, when the committee stands down and is re-elected by the membership. There were three standing down and nobody new volunteering so our committee of ten is now seven and it is likely we will now carry the extra burden. It baffles me why, out a membership of over 350 people we can only find seven people willing to make the effort. The meeting was a great success largely due to the quiz compiled and presented by Mr David Kew once the formal AGM nonsense was out-of-the-way.

On Friday I had a session at a gym in Caistor introduced by a friend from the U3A. I’ve never really felt the urge to go to a gym but I sometimes feel I’m spending too much time in the car (I do enjoy driving) and not enough time exercising. It isn’t a large, plush gym but it has a lot of equipment squeezed into a relatively small space.

It felt very gentle and I hardly broke into a sweat however on Saturday morning I felt aches in parts of my body I didn’t know existed. If time allows I will go again next Friday for more punishment and I might even consider getting some personal trainer sessions.

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