Scotland and Home

After a delightfully packed few days I once again drove the 9 hours home this time via Edinburgh because the A66 route over the pennines was closed.
Apart from some fabulous meals both at Tony and Jude’s and a variety of restaurants we also went to see Children Act starring Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci and a young Fionn Whitehead.  Great acting, sensitive drama that worked at several levels. It gives a very good insight into the working of a female judge in the High Court and the impact it might have on family life.

There are some advantages to living in remote parts of the Highlands. The wildlife is unquestionably interesting and varied. Apart from this Greater Spotted Woodpecker they also had a Sparrow Hawk frequently visiting the bird feeder in the hope it would take a blue tit. Driving to the house after dark I spotted a couple of badgers crossing the road and a red deer jumping off the road over a fence.


Whilst I’ve been away the veg plot has continued to grow. The carrots are coming to an end however there are far too many runner beans and the courgettes seem to be endless.

The flower borders, if I’m very selective, still have blooms that brighten small corners of the beds – see below.

Many, many, many years ago when I was at school I enjoyed drawing and painting “stuff” however Jane was so creative I never pursued it when I was an adult. To give me the motivation to explore being visually creative I bought myself a book that invites me to create something every day for 100 days.

I haven’t started day one so I’m already a day behind – not a good start…


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2 Responses to Scotland and Home

  1. Stuart Tipler says:

    Enjoy what you have. Love what has gone and remember l people are part of you if they are close or far, even if they just read your blogs:-p!

    • Steve says:

      Wise words Stuart but not always easy to follow. In our darkest moments, regardless of what is in our memories, we are always alone. Memories cannot give us a warm hug or a gentle kiss on the cheek. Always, always appreciate what you have and make the most of every second.
      Best wishes – Steve

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