After the week away in Norfolk life has slowly got back to normal at the Pig Yard, whatever normal is in my chaotic life.
I had a water softener installed because I was fed up with the limescale left everywhere – kettle, taps, shower glass, etc. It does take up the equivalent of a 500mm cupboard in the utility room however it forced me to clear out some of the laundry and cleaning products under the sink that haven’t been used for a number of years.
The full effect of the softener is immediate for the cold taps however the water in the hot water tank might take up to a month to be totally replaced with soft water.
At the same time as getting permission to remove the sycamore trees I also had the go ahead to remove some epicormic growth on an ash tree along the drive. Nick is a real hero (no fear) when it comes to climbing trees and wielding a chainsaw.
Within a couple of hours our team had managed to help pull down a number of branches and Nick had them cut up in no time at all.
Twelve months from now they will be seasoned and warming their house.
And finally piglet attacked my peg bag which fell of the whirly dryer. I’m learning that if anything is left on the lawn piglet will find it and cut it up. Last year it was a plastic cover from the MX5 when the windscreen was being replaced and this year it has been the peg bag. No lying down on the lawn to sunbathe when piglet is about.