Week by Week

And so another week has passed since my last posting and I’ve kept so busy I forget whether I did things last week or several weeks ago.

Last week I was sufficiently motivated and the weather was good enough for me to get up early and go for my first cycle of the year. I’m not fit and therefore decided to take the shorter route which is 8.8 miles. There is only one hill on the circuit which I can usually ride easily but it took a bit of determination to stay in the saddle and not walk. I averaged 11.4 mph so don’t expect to see me on the Tour de France anytime soon.

The photo was taken at the top of the hill so it was a good excuse to stop and get my breath back. I did manage to find a very muddy section on the cycle path just outside North Willingham so I decided to give my faithful steed a quick clean, probably its first in several years. I toy with the idea of getting an electric bike but surely that will defeat the point of trying to get fit if I can rely on an electric motor when the going gets tough.

I spent the weekend at Mary’s helping to tidy her garden and cut the grass. She hosted a family lunch on Sunday for her “children” (Sophie 27 and Rory 24) and friends. It was very hot (25 degrees plus) sitting outside eating a superb roasted lamb dish followed by a rhubarb (my own home grown) cheesecake. We consumed copious amounts of alcohol to keep cool and a good time was had by all.

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