As the weather continues to improve so I can spend more time out in the garden. I don’t tend to plan where plants are going to go – I wander around a nursery (today it was Pottertons) and just purchase plants that look good and will grow in shade or partial shade bearing in mind that the mature trees on the site are a significant canopy over the garden.
After much procrastination I’ve now moved the ornamental Acer out of the pot where it was struggling into the raised bed near the dining area bifold doors. The root ball and pot was very heavy but with some help from Lucie I managed to get it out of the pot and into a wheel barrow.
I just hope the new location will give it a chance to grow and flourish.
And finally I put a collection of plants along the driveway but don’t ask me what because I cannot remember their names. I have left the labels alongside them so I can always remind myself.