Blues @ Hope Tavern

little-devils-gig-(nov14)On Sunday afternoon/evening we went with Dave & Lucie to the Hope Tavern to see The Little Devils perform. This is a small venue which fits about 40 people snugly manages to get some really good bands and the Little Devils were no exception.

A really great (loud) sound and most of the music written by members of the band so all new stuff for us. The lead singer was brilliant with a voice that could sound like Janis Joplin one moment and then be very melodic. She also played the sax and flute so very talented indeed. The whole band was very tight held together by the young female drummer who was described as “the pint sized power house” which fitted her perfectly.

They’d travelled up from south London so we imagined they were quite pleased that the gig started at 4 pm and was finished by 6.30. We were a bit dubious about going but were so pleased (if a little deaf) that we did.

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