We’re on our way…

On Tuesday we were up in Lincolnshire for a site meeting. Afterwards we went to see a number of potential temporary homes just in case our house sale went through. During the morning we had several calls from our solicitor negotiating a completion date. To cut a long story short, after much brinkmanship on our buyers part we agreed a completion date of 11th October and the contract exchange took place at 11.15 on Wednesday 18th September.

manor-farmOf the three houses we looked at we settled for Manor Farm in Wrawby which is 15 miles from Markey Rasen.

It has 3 garages and very large rooms so there is no question we will be able to store all of our furniture. We hope to get the keys next Friday (27th September).

For full details click here…

We, particularly Jane, are busy organising our move and contacting all the utility companies, etc. There is a long checklist to be run through.

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