Broken Dreams (Tooth)

steve-tooth(jul13)We were on our way to East Sussex for a few days with Jane’s brother when we stopped off at a pub for lunch. I avoided the cheesy sandwiches in favour of a crispy bacon salad sandwich but on the first bite I heard a crunch which didn’t sound like bacon and there was something strange in my mouth. As I fished about with my tongue I realised one of my upper front teeth was missing. It had sheared at gum level and looked as if it was rotten. How can this be? I’ve visited the dentist every 6 months since about 1973, they’ve been fully xrayed in the past 2 years and yet this weakness has gone unnoticed. I think in this day and age your teeth shouldn’t catastrophically fail or am I dreaming? Jane has booked me in with the dentist on Monday but I imagine this will just be the first step towards getting a replacement tooth.
At the moment I look like Mackenzie Crook in Pirates of the Caribbean.

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2 Responses to Broken Dreams (Tooth)

  1. MartinPWeaver says:

    AHarr me hearty. I’ll wager ye’ll be popular with the comely taven wenches with that smile:-)

    • Yep, it’s working already and the buxom wenches have been falling all over me every time I walk into the Spit and Sawdust and order a flagon of Ale.
      I’ve been to the specialist dentist and am now booked into have root canal on 13th August hopefully with a follow-up to insert a post and crown. This is different advice from my own dentist who I don’t rate and will be pleased to move to another dental practice up in MR.

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