Last week I was visited by my nephew, Lewis, and his wife Viji.
They were in the UK on a flying visit from their home in the USA and I was pleased to see them. I picked them up from Newark Station after which we had lunch at Stokes on the Lawn (always a good venue), then a tour of Lincoln Cathedral and a walk down Steep Hill.
They left mid morning the following day. It was great to see them both here.
On Sunday I collected Jane’s Hospice feather dedication and placed it into the garden.
I now have four mini sculpture dedications in different parts of the garden.
The lawn alongside the drive is looking very good since the ash and beech tree were removed in the spring.
Where the trees were, I’ve laid the left over turf and it seems to be growing well. In a years time it will be impossible to see where the trees used to be. The replacement hornbeam trees are in full leaf and very healthy. I look forward to them filling out over the coming years.