It has been a busy couple of weeks. The West Wolds u3a chairman role is taking more time than I like to admit. More fool me for stepping in to fill the breach. So far this month I’ve had a committee meeting and hosted a new members get together at the house.
Helène came to stay for week. We went to see Kate Rusby at Scunthorpe Baths Hall. We enjoyed the music and Kate Rusby was very funny with her anecdotes.
The pre-gig dinner at the Royal Pub across the road wasn’t so great. It turned out to be a sports bar and it was impossible to sit anywhere without a TV screen blaring out a football match.
My good friends Gary & Caroline visited Lincolnshire in their motorhome for a few days. Helène and I went to see them at their chosen site near to Sutton on sea. We had a guided tour of their accommodation, had lunch, then walked the beach. Time at the seaside isn’t complete without an ice cream.
G&C came to stay with me for a night but unfortunately Helène had to go home on the day they arrived. We went to Yorkshire Sculpture Park the following day and I gave them a guided tour. After walking round the galleries and some of the estate they headed back to Oxfordshire and I came home. The house seemed very empty when I got home.
The vegetable plot is looking very tidy. Helène helped me prepare the ground in February which means the soil is in perfect condition. I’ve planted out the french and runner beans that were in the greenhouse; sown parsnips, beetroot, peas, and carrots straight into the ground.
In the greenhouse I’m in the process of potting on cucumbers, peppers, and different varieties of tomatoes. It’s a busy time in the garden. If and when the vegetable patch is sorted I can focus on the flower beds. They look a bit neglected at the moment.
‘I thought you said you put the car keys in your handbag, so why can’t you find them’
I’m not sure what you’re getting at?